Summary Tables with ‘tab’

Dane Van Domelen


‘tab’ package

The purpose of tab is to make it easier to create tables for papers, including Table 1’s showing characteristics of the sample and summary tables for fitted regression models. Currently, the following functions are included:

Creating a Table 1

A toy dataset called tabdata is included in the tab package. It is a data frame with 15 variables and 300 observations. Let’s take a look:

#> [1] 300  15
#>   ID     Group Age    Sex  Race  BMI time delta death_1yr  bp.1  bp.2
#> 1  1   Control  63 Female Black 28.6 1512     1         0 121.4 123.4
#> 2  2 Treatment  74 Female White 27.2 2987     1         0 145.5 168.9
#> 3  3 Treatment  70   Male Black 25.5 1468     0         0 138.4 134.6
#> 4  4 Treatment  78   Male Other 24.3  691     1         0 128.3 124.2
#> 5  5 Treatment  73   Male White 25.8  477     1         0 163.3 133.2
#> 6  6   Control  61 Female White 21.9 3380     1         0 137.6 130.3
#>    bp.3 highbp.1 highbp.2 highbp.3
#> 1 118.3        0        0        0
#> 2 149.5        1        1        1
#> 3 131.2        0        0        0
#> 4 131.1        0        0        0
#> 5 138.4        1        0        0
#> 6 141.5        0        0        1

Here is how you can use tabmulti to generate a Table 1 comparing characteristics of the treatment and control groups.

(table1 <- tabmulti(data = tabdata, 
                    xvarname = "Group", 
                    yvarnames = c("Age", "Sex", "Race")))
#>       Variable             Control      Treatment    P       
#>  [1,] "Age, M (SD)"        "70.5 (5.3)" "69.5 (5.9)" "0.15"  
#>  [2,] "Sex, n (%)"         ""           ""           "<0.001"
#>  [3,] "  Female"           "93 (68.4)"  "62 (38.5)"  ""      
#>  [4,] "  Male"             "43 (31.6)"  "99 (61.5)"  ""      
#>  [5,] "Race, n (%)"        ""           ""           "0.29"  
#>  [6,] "  White"            "46 (34.1)"  "65 (39.6)"  ""      
#>  [7,] "  Black"            "36 (26.7)"  "52 (31.7)"  ""      
#>  [8,] "  Mexican American" "21 (15.6)"  "19 (11.6)"  ""      
#>  [9,] "  Other"            "32 (23.7)"  "28 (17.1)"  ""

tabmulti created a character matrix, but it doesn’t look like a table yet. If you want to get the table into Word, here are two approaches:

  1. Install/load Kmisc and run write.cb(table1) to copy the table to your clipboard. Paste the result into Word, then highlight the text and go to Insert -> Table -> Convert Text to Table... OK.

  2. Add print.html = TRUE to the above tabmulti function call. That will result in a .html file being written to your working directory. It should appear as a neat table when you open it (e.g. in Google Chrome), and you can copy/paste it into Word.

If you want it to display it in a knitr document, you can add latex = TRUE and then use various approaches…

‘printr’ (‘kable’ for options)

I think the easiest approach is to simply load the printr package. Loading it results in R output printing more neatly, which includes character matrices showing up as neat tables.

(table1 <- tabmulti(data = tabdata, 
                    xvarname = "Group", 
                    yvarnames = c("Age", "Sex", "Race"), 
                    latex = TRUE))
Variable Control Treatment P
Age, M (SD) 70.5 (5.3) 69.5 (5.9) 0.15
Sex, n (%) <0.001
\(\hskip .4cm\)Female 93 (68.4) 62 (38.5)
\(\hskip .4cm\)Male 43 (31.6) 99 (61.5)
Race, n (%) 0.29
\(\hskip .4cm\)White 46 (34.1) 65 (39.6)
\(\hskip .4cm\)Black 36 (26.7) 52 (31.7)
\(\hskip .4cm\)Mexican American 21 (15.6) 19 (11.6)
\(\hskip .4cm\)Other 32 (23.7) 28 (17.1)
detach("package:printr", unload = TRUE)

(I detached printr so R reverts to its usual output display format for the rest of the vignette.)

If you want to add table options, e.g. a caption or non-default column alignment, you can use kable from the knitr package (e.g. try kable(table1, align = "lrrr", caption = "Table 1.").


knitr’s kable function works nicely:

      caption = "Table 1a. Characteristics (created by `tabmulti`/`kable`).", 
      align = 'lrrr')
Table 1a. Characteristics (created by tabmulti/kable).
Variable Control Treatment P
Age, M (SD) 70.5 (5.3) 69.5 (5.9) 0.15
Sex, n (%) <0.001
\(\hskip .4cm\)Female 93 (68.4) 62 (38.5)
\(\hskip .4cm\)Male 43 (31.6) 99 (61.5)
Race, n (%) 0.29
\(\hskip .4cm\)White 46 (34.1) 65 (39.6)
\(\hskip .4cm\)Black 36 (26.7) 52 (31.7)
\(\hskip .4cm\)Mexican American 21 (15.6) 19 (11.6)
\(\hskip .4cm\)Other 32 (23.7) 28 (17.1)


Another option is the xtable package/function (requires adding results = "asis" as a chunk option!):

             caption = "Table 1b. Characteristics (created by `tabmulti`/`xtable`).", 
             align = 'llrrr',), 
      type = "html", 
      include.rownames = FALSE)
Table 1b. Characteristics (created by tabmulti/xtable).
Variable Control Treatment P
Age, M (SD) 70.5 (5.3) 69.5 (5.9) 0.15
Sex, n (%) <0.001
\(\hskip .4cm\)Female 93 (68.4) 62 (38.5)
\(\hskip .4cm\)Male 43 (31.6) 99 (61.5)
Race, n (%) 0.29
\(\hskip .4cm\)White 46 (34.1) 65 (39.6)
\(\hskip .4cm\)Black 36 (26.7) 52 (31.7)
\(\hskip .4cm\)Mexican American 21 (15.6) 19 (11.6)
\(\hskip .4cm\)Other 32 (23.7) 28 (17.1)


And finally the pandoc.table function in pander (also requires results = "asis"):

             caption = "Table 1c. Characteristics (created by `tabmulti`/`pandoc.table`).", 
             style = "rmarkdown", 
             justify = 'lrrr', 
             split.tables = Inf)
Table 1c. Characteristics (created by tabmulti/pandoc.table).
Variable Control Treatment P
Age, M (SD) 70.5 (5.3) 69.5 (5.9) 0.15
Sex, n (%) <0.001
\(\hskip .4cm\)Female 93 (68.4) 62 (38.5)
\(\hskip .4cm\)Male 43 (31.6) 99 (61.5)
Race, n (%) 0.29
\(\hskip .4cm\)White 46 (34.1) 65 (39.6)
\(\hskip .4cm\)Black 36 (26.7) 52 (31.7)
\(\hskip .4cm\)Mexican American 21 (15.6) 19 (11.6)
\(\hskip .4cm\)Other 32 (23.7) 28 (17.1)

More on ‘tabmulti’

Recall the tabmulti function call from above:

table1 <- tabmulti(data = tabdata, 
                   xvarname = "Group", 
                   yvarnames = c("Age", "Sex", "Race"), 
                   latex = TRUE)

I specified the data frame, the name of the group variable, and the names of the variables I wanted to compare. By default, tabmulti treats each Y variable as continuous if it is numeric and takes on 5 or more unique values, and categorical otherwise. It compares means for continuous variables and frequencies for categorical variables.

Internally, tabmulti called tabmeans for the first comparison and tabfreq for the second and third. We could have created the same table using these functions and rbind:

table1b <- rbind(tabmeans(x = tabdata$Group, y = tabdata$Age, latex = TRUE), 
                 tabfreq(x = tabdata$Group, y = tabdata$Sex, latex = TRUE), 
                 tabfreq(x = tabdata$Group, y = tabdata$Race, latex = TRUE))
all(table1 == table1b)
#> [1] TRUE

Let’s go through some more options. The columns input controls what columns are shown, with the default columns = c("xgroups", "p") requesting a column for each x level and the p-value (from t-test or ANOVA). Since we have missing values and tabmulti uses pairwise deletion by default, let’s add a sample size column, and why not also throw in a column for the overall sample statistics.

table1 <- tabmulti(data = tabdata, 
                   xvarname = "Group", 
                   yvarnames = c("Age", "Sex", "Race"),
                   columns = c("n", "overall", "xgroups", "p"),
                   latex = TRUE)
      caption = "Table 1d. Characteristics of sample.", 
      align = 'lrrrrr')
Table 1d. Characteristics of sample.
Variable N Overall Control Treatment P
Age, M (SD) 296 69.9 (5.7) 70.5 (5.3) 69.5 (5.9) 0.15
Sex, n (%) 297 <0.001
\(\hskip .4cm\)Female 155 (52.2) 93 (68.4) 62 (38.5)
\(\hskip .4cm\)Male 142 (47.8) 43 (31.6) 99 (61.5)
Race, n (%) 299 0.29
\(\hskip .4cm\)White 111 (37.1) 46 (34.1) 65 (39.6)
\(\hskip .4cm\)Black 88 (29.4) 36 (26.7) 52 (31.7)
\(\hskip .4cm\)Mexican American 40 (13.4) 21 (15.6) 19 (11.6)
\(\hskip .4cm\)Other 60 (20.1) 32 (23.7) 28 (17.1)

For age, often the range is more informative than the SD. We can display M (min-max) rather than M (SD) but setting the tabmeans input parenth = "sd". To pass this argument through tabmulti, we use the means.list argument:

table1 <- tabmulti(data = tabdata, 
                   xvarname = "Group", 
                   yvarnames = c("Age", "Sex", "Race"),
                   columns = c("n", "overall", "xgroups", "p"),
                   means.list = list(parenth = "minmax"),
                   latex = TRUE)
      caption = "Table 1e. Characteristics of sample.", 
      align = 'lrrrrr')
Table 1e. Characteristics of sample.
Variable N Overall Control Treatment P
Age, M (min, max) 296 69.9 (60, 80) 70.5 (60, 79) 69.5 (60, 80) 0.15
Sex, n (%) 297 <0.001
\(\hskip .4cm\)Female 155 (52.2) 93 (68.4) 62 (38.5)
\(\hskip .4cm\)Male 142 (47.8) 43 (31.6) 99 (61.5)
Race, n (%) 299 0.29
\(\hskip .4cm\)White 111 (37.1) 46 (34.1) 65 (39.6)
\(\hskip .4cm\)Black 88 (29.4) 36 (26.7) 52 (31.7)
\(\hskip .4cm\)Mexican American 40 (13.4) 21 (15.6) 19 (11.6)
\(\hskip .4cm\)Other 60 (20.1) 32 (23.7) 28 (17.1)

Technically the range is the difference between the min and the max, not the min and the max, but if you prefer the label "M (range)", you could specify the text.label input: means.list = list(parenth = "minmax", text.label = "M (range)").

These are some of the options you have access to with tabmulti and the underlying functions it calls. A complete list of options are described in the help files for tabmulti, tabmeans, tabmedians, and tabfreq. The help files also have some different examples.

Regression summaries

Linear regression

Suppose we want to summarize a linear regression of BMI on age, sex, race, and treatment group. You could use kable, xtable, or pandoc.table to print a summary table like this:

fit <- glm(BMI ~ Age + Sex + Race + Group, data = tabdata)
             caption = "Table 2a. Linear regression fit (created by `xtable`)."), 
      type = "html")
Table 2a. Linear regression fit (created by xtable).
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 22.1009 1.6340 13.53 0.0000
Age 0.0102 0.0231 0.44 0.6591
SexMale -0.1800 0.2723 -0.66 0.5090
RaceBlack 0.3362 0.3183 1.06 0.2918
RaceMexican American 0.6283 0.4204 1.49 0.1361
RaceOther 0.0204 0.3613 0.06 0.9550
GroupTreatment 3.0966 0.2755 11.24 0.0000

But this isn’t how a regression table in a paper typically looks. A few issues:

Let’s try tabglm:

table2 <- tabglm(fit = fit, 
                 latex = TRUE)
      caption = "Table 2b. Linear regression fit (created by `tabglm` and `kable`).", 
      align = 'lrr')
Table 2b. Linear regression fit (created by tabglm and kable).
Variable Beta (SE) P
Intercept 22.10 (1.63) <0.001
Age 0.01 (0.02) 0.66
\(\hskip .4cm\)Female (ref)
\(\hskip .4cm\)Male -0.18 (0.27) 0.51
\(\hskip .4cm\)White (ref)
\(\hskip .4cm\)Black 0.34 (0.32) 0.29
\(\hskip .4cm\)Mexican American 0.63 (0.42) 0.14
\(\hskip .4cm\)Other 0.02 (0.36) 0.95
\(\hskip .4cm\)Control (ref)
\(\hskip .4cm\)Treatment 3.10 (0.28) <0.001

If you don’t like all the white space, you can set compress.factors = TRUE to omit rows with factor variable names (and left-align factor levels). By default, the input omit.refgroups has the same value as compress.factors, and omit.refgroups = TRUE omits reference group rows.

table2 <- tabglm(fit = fit, 
                 compress.factors = TRUE,
                 latex = TRUE)
      caption = "Table 2c. Linear regression fit (created by `tabglm` and `kable`).", 
      align = 'lrr')
Table 2c. Linear regression fit (created by tabglm and kable).
Variable Beta (SE) P
Intercept 22.10 (1.63) <0.001
Age 0.01 (0.02) 0.66
Male -0.18 (0.27) 0.51
Black 0.34 (0.32) 0.29
Mexican American 0.63 (0.42) 0.14
Other 0.02 (0.36) 0.95
Treatment 3.10 (0.28) <0.001

Maybe you’re submitting to one of those enlightened journals that thinks comparing confidence intervals to 0 is totally different than comparing p-values to 0.05. tabglm can do confidence intervals.

table2 <- tabglm(fit = fit, 
                 columns = c("", "betaci"),
                 compress.factors = TRUE,
                 latex = TRUE)
#> Waiting for profiling to be done...
      caption = "Table 2d. Linear regression fit (created by `tabglm` and `kable`).", 
      align = 'lrr')
Table 2d. Linear regression fit (created by tabglm and kable).
Variable Beta (SE) 95% CI for Beta
Intercept 22.10 (1.63) 18.90, 25.30
Age 0.01 (0.02) -0.04, 0.06
Male -0.18 (0.27) -0.71, 0.35
Black 0.34 (0.32) -0.29, 0.96
Mexican American 0.63 (0.42) -0.20, 1.45
Other 0.02 (0.36) -0.69, 0.73
Treatment 3.10 (0.28) 2.56, 3.64

Logistic regression

Summarizing a fitted logistic regression model with tabglm is very similar. For 1-year mortality vs. age, age squared, sex, race, and treatment group:

fit <- glm(death_1yr ~ poly(Age, 2, raw = TRUE) + Sex + Race + Group, 
           data = tabdata, family = "binomial")
table3 <- tabglm(fit = fit, 
                 compress.factors = "binary", 
                 latex = TRUE)
#> Waiting for profiling to be done...
      caption = "Table 3. Logistic regression fit (created by `tabglm` and `kable`).", 
      align = 'lrrr')
Table 3. Logistic regression fit (created by tabglm and kable).
Variable Beta (SE) OR (95% CI) P
Intercept -20.28 (25.57) 0.43
Age 0.54 (0.73) 1.72 (0.42, 7.43) 0.46
Age squared -0.00 (0.01) 1.00 (0.99, 1.01) 0.48
Male 0.14 (0.29) 1.15 (0.64, 2.05) 0.64
\(\hskip .4cm\)White (ref)
\(\hskip .4cm\)Black -0.92 (0.38) 0.40 (0.19, 0.83) 0.02
\(\hskip .4cm\)Mexican American 0.16 (0.42) 1.17 (0.50, 2.68) 0.70
\(\hskip .4cm\)Other 0.04 (0.37) 1.04 (0.50, 2.16) 0.91
Treatment 0.04 (0.30) 1.04 (0.58, 1.89) 0.89

Notice that the second-order term was labeled appropriately, and tabglm recognized fit as a logistic regression and thus by default added a OR (95% CI) column. Additionally, the binary Sex and Group variables was displayed as single rows, while the other factor variable, Race, was shown in a more expanded format. This was the result of setting compress.factors = "binary" (compress.factors can be TRUE, FALSE, or "binary").


To summarize a fitted GEE, we can convert tabdata from wide to long format, fit a GEE, and then call tabgee. Here’s a table for blood pressure vs. age, sex, race, BMI, and treatment group, with columns for Beta, SE, Z, and P:

tabdata2 <- reshape(data = tabdata,
                    varying = c("bp.1", "bp.2", "bp.3", "highbp.1",
                                "highbp.2", "highbp.3"),
                    timevar = "bp.visit", 
                    direction = "long")
tabdata2 <- tabdata2[order(tabdata2$id), ]
fit <- gee(bp ~ Age + Sex + Race + BMI + Group, 
           id = id, 
           data = tabdata2,
           corstr = "unstructured")
#>          (Intercept)                  Age              SexMale 
#>         111.89775246           0.04056654           4.16389689 
#>            RaceBlack RaceMexican American            RaceOther 
#>           0.15475299           1.16832912           0.01975425 
#>                  BMI       GroupTreatment 
#>           0.63487889           3.65538664
table4 <- tabgee(fit = fit, 
                 columns = c("beta", "se", "z", "p"),
                 compress.factors = "binary", 
                 data = tabdata2, 
                 latex = TRUE)
      caption = "Table 4. Cox PH fit (created by `tabgee` and `kable`).", 
      align = 'lrrr')
Table 4. Cox PH fit (created by tabgee and kable).
Variable Beta SE Z P
Intercept 111.71 5.45 20.50 <0.001
Age 0.04 0.07 0.65 0.51
Male 4.16 0.75 5.54 <0.001
Race - -
\(\hskip .4cm\)White (ref) - - - -
\(\hskip .4cm\)Black 0.19 0.87 0.22 0.83
\(\hskip .4cm\)Mexican American 1.13 1.27 0.89 0.37
\(\hskip .4cm\)Other 0.03 1.09 0.03 0.98
BMI 0.64 0.16 3.87 <0.001
Treatment 3.65 0.98 3.71 <0.001

Cox PH

And finally, to summarize a fitted Cox PH model for survival vs. covariates, with default settings:

tabdata <- tabdata[complete.cases(tabdata), ]
fit <- coxph(Surv(time = tabdata$time, event = tabdata$delta) ~ 
               Age + Sex + Race + Group, 
             data = tabdata)
table5 <- tabcox(fit = fit, 
                 latex = TRUE)
kable(table5, caption = "Table 5. Cox PH fit (created by `tabcox` and `kable`).", align = 'lrrr')
Table 5. Cox PH fit (created by tabcox and kable).
Variable Beta (SE) HR (95% CI) P
Age 0.05 (0.01) 1.05 (1.02, 1.08) 0.001
Sex -
\(\hskip .4cm\)Female (ref) - - -
\(\hskip .4cm\)Male 0.11 (0.18) 1.12 (0.79, 1.58) 0.54
Race -
\(\hskip .4cm\)White (ref) - - -
\(\hskip .4cm\)Black -0.98 (0.22) 0.38 (0.24, 0.58) <0.001
\(\hskip .4cm\)Mexican American 0.07 (0.26) 1.07 (0.64, 1.78) 0.80
\(\hskip .4cm\)Other -0.08 (0.22) 0.92 (0.59, 1.43) 0.71
Group -
\(\hskip .4cm\)Control (ref) - - -
\(\hskip .4cm\)Treatment 0.13 (0.18) 1.14 (0.80, 1.61) 0.48

Closing comments


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